
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos full game speedrun in 4:22:51 (4:17:55 IGT)

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Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos full game speedrun in 4:22:51 (4:17:55 IGT)

My first full game run, had a bunch of huge mistakes but who cares. It took a really long time to learn decent strats for the entire game, so I’m glad I even managed to do a full run.

Individual campaign/level timestamps:

0:22 Human campaign start (Campaign time 54:05 RTA, 53:09 IGT)
2:02 Blackrock and Roll
5:55 Ravages of the Plague
8:43 The Cult of the Damned
10:05 March of the Scourge (Mission went bad, lost a lot of units)
34:17 The Culling
40:39 The Shores of Northrend
45:19 Dissension
48:42 Frostmourne

54:38 Undead campaign start (Campaign time 1:12:30 RTA, 1:11:18 IGT)
57:35 Digging up the Dead
1:05:04 Into the Realm Eternal (Terrible, lost ~7 minutes)
1:19:12 Key of the Three Moons (Not super good, but managed to do the fast strats so still fast)
1:24:38 The Fall of Silvermoon
1:30:26 Blackrock & Roll, Too!
1:44:21 The Siege of Dalaran
1:46:36 Under the Burning Sky (Pretty good)

2:07:18 Orc campaign start (Campaign time 55:46 RTA, 54:21 IGT)
2:12:07 / 2:16:28 The Long March (Failed and had to restart)
2:25:02 Cry of the Warsong
2:29:04 The Spirits of Ashenvale (Was missing a health potion so furbolg fight was based on crit RNG)
2:39:30 The Hunter of Shadows (This mission is really cool)
2:43:22 Where Wyverns Dare
2:54:38 The Oracle
3:00:23 By Demons Be Driven

3:03:12 Night Elf campaign start (Campaign time 1:20:03 RTA, 1:19:05 IGT)
3:10:15 Daughters of the Moon
3:13:48 The Awakening of Stormrage
3:21:28 The Druids Arise
3:27:10 Brothers in Blood
3:32:34 A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow (Cool mission, went super well)
3:37:41 Twilight of the Gods (Unskippable 45 minute defense mission, just cheesing the enemy base and messing around)

Tag: game warap, [vid_tags]

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