Warcraft 3 – Unique Races (5v5 #5)

Warcraft 3 – Unique Races (5v5 #5)

(10) UB – Raging Stream v1.4e AI+
(8) Dalaran v2.5.2
(9) Worgen V1.0
(8) Forsaken
(12) Dark Iron Clan V.1.1.
(8) Scarlet Crusaders V.2.5.1
(12) Draenei V.2.2
(6) High Elves V2.5
(8) The Lost Ones V.2
(8) Fel Horde V.2.1
(6) Illidari V1.0

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Produced by Rich “WTii” Langley
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Game: Warcraft 3 (The Frozen Throne)
Media: Gameplay Commentary
Version: 1.27
Mode: Multiplayer
Platform: PC
Genres: Real-time Strategy, Fantasy
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Tag: game warcraft 3, new, wtii, wtiiwarcraft, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, gbr 5v5, unqiue races, warcraft 3 gbr 5v5, warcraft 3 unique races, warcraft 4, games, game, videos, video, raging stream, wa666r, Unregret, ZiBitheWand3r3r, Sunreaver, altered melee, dalaran, worgen, forsaken, dark iron clan, scarlet crusaders, draenei, high elves, the lost ones, fel horde, illidari

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